‘Over Here, Over There’ (OHOT) is a podcast about how people from different countries see others and others see them across borders and divides. We discuss political, economic or social issues, which impact people’s lives locally and globally. Our mission is to respect and learn from our differences and hopefully use this understanding to improve things where we live.

The concept of ‘Over Here, Over There’ evolved from Dan Harris’s radio interviews on BBC Radio Gloucestershire where he expressed an insider’s view of the workings of US politics and elections, having worked early in his career for several politicians in the US. Those interviews were more of a one-way tutorial about the US political system, but he was curious about the British view of what was going on ‘over there’.

Things started to happen after Dan met Claudia Koestler, Senior Editor at the Süddeutsche Zeitung in GermanyClaudia is based in Munich and has traveled extensively and liked the idea straight away. So, after several months of thought and strategizing, we started recording at the beginning of 2021.

‘Over Here, Over There’, is not only about macro subjects like politics, inequality, racism or globalisation but also specific things that affect daily life like childcare, the price of gas/petrol, the latest fashions, social attitudes or how even to make the best pizza the world has ever tasted. Basically, the podcast touches on any salient subjects that warrant comment from afar. Wherever there’s a gap or learning opportunity between people in different countries, we’ll talk about it.

The globalised world is hindered by countervailing forces of nationalism, inequality, regional conflicts and massive pandemics, which are not only straining our relationships with people ‘over there’ but also within countries. In the fractured world we live in, one thing is certain: now is not the time for building walls but to encouraging greater understanding of what’s going on ‘over there’ through conversation so we can learn how to be a better friend, neighbour and partner ‘over here’.

This is just one podcast, but if it helps at all to bring the world a little closer together, then it’ll be worth a listen. We just hope it’s fun, informative and entertaining for our listeners. ‘Over Here, Over There’ not only respects differences between people but cherishes them, for what can be better to solve the world’s problems than seeing them from different perspectives to learn and develop a better way forward.

And no, we are not snowflakes. This is real, stimulating conversation with engaging individuals, top professionals and leading commentators from across the world. So, we hope you enjoy the podcast and tune in often.